Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Package:CLIO-OPEN; Base:10; Lowercase:T; Fonts:(CPTFONT); Syntax:Common-Lisp; -*-
;;; |
;;; P.O. BOX 149149 |
;;; AUSTIN, TEXAS 78714 |
;;; |
;;; Copyright (C) 1989, 1990 Texas Instruments Incorporated. |
;;; |
;;; Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, modify, and |
;;; distribute this software, provided that this complete copyright and permission |
;;; notice is maintained, intact, in all copies and supporting documentation. |
;;; |
;;; Texas Instruments Incorporated provides this software "as is" without express or |
;;; implied warranty. |
;;; |
(in-package "CLIO-OPEN")
(export '(
;;; |
;;; |
(defcontact display-image (gravity-mixin core contact)
;; Source is what is given and/or returned by/to outside callers.
;; Internally, source is converted to source-pixmap for all other operations.
((source :type (or null pixmap image)
:initform nil
:initarg :source
:reader display-image-source ;; SETF method defined below
(source-pixmap :type (or null pixmap) ;; internal storage
:initform nil)
(source-pixmap-width :type card16 ;; internal storage
:initform 0)
(source-pixmap-height :type card16 ;; internal storage
:initform 0)
(compress-exposures :initform :off
:type (member :off :on)
:reader contact-compress-exposures
:allocation :class))
(:resources source))
(defmethod (setf display-gravity) (new-gravity (display-image display-image))
(check-type new-gravity (or gravity (member :tiled)))
(setf (slot-value display-image 'gravity) new-gravity))
(defmethod (setf display-image-source) ((new-source pixmap) (display-image display-image))
(with-slots (source source-pixmap source-pixmap-width source-pixmap-height depth) display-image
(with-state (new-source)
(let ((source-depth (drawable-depth new-source)))
(assert (or (= source-depth depth) (= source-depth 1)) ()
"~a depth is ~a, which is neither 1 nor ~a." new-source source-depth depth)
(setf source-pixmap-width (drawable-width new-source)
source-pixmap-height (drawable-height new-source)
source-pixmap (when (realized-p display-image)
(realize-display-image display-image new-source)))
(setf source new-source)))))
(defmethod (setf display-image-source) ((new-source image) (display-image display-image))
(with-slots (source source-pixmap source-pixmap-width source-pixmap-height foreground depth) display-image
(let ((source-depth (image-depth new-source)))
(assert (or (= source-depth depth) (= source-depth 1)) ()
"~a depth is ~a, which is neither 1 nor ~a." new-source source-depth depth)
(setf source-pixmap-width (image-width new-source)
source-pixmap-height (image-height new-source)
source-pixmap (when (realized-p display-image)
(realize-display-image display-image new-source)))
(setf source new-source))))
(defmethod (setf display-image-source) (new-source (display-image display-image))
(assert (not new-source) () "New source is ~a, which is not NIL, a PIXMAP, or an IMAGE.")
(with-slots (source source-pixmap source-pixmap-width source-pixmap-height) display-image
(setf source-pixmap-width 0
source-pixmap-height 0
source-pixmap nil)
(setf source new-source)))
(defmethod (setf display-image-source) :after (new-source (display-image display-image))
(declare (ignore new-source))
(when (realized-p display-image)
(clear-area display-image)
(display display-image)))
(defmethod realize-display-image ((display-image display-image) (new-source pixmap))
(with-slots (source-pixmap-width source-pixmap-height foreground depth) display-image
(if (= (drawable-depth new-source) depth)
;; Else expand bitmap to full depth pixmap.
(let ((pixmap (create-pixmap
:drawable display-image
:width source-pixmap-width
:height source-pixmap-height
:depth depth)))
(gc :drawable display-image
:foreground foreground
:background (contact-current-background-pixel display-image))
(copy-plane new-source gc 1 ; Note, this is a mask, not an index.
0 0 source-pixmap-width source-pixmap-height
pixmap 0 0))
(defmethod realize-display-image ((display-image display-image) (new-source image))
(with-slots (source-pixmap-width source-pixmap-height foreground depth) display-image
(if (= (image-depth new-source) depth)
(contact-image-pixmap display-image new-source)
;; Else expand bitmap to full depth pixmap.
(contact-image-mask display-image new-source
:foreground foreground
:background (contact-current-background-pixel display-image)))))
(defmethod realize :after ((display-image display-image))
(with-slots (source source-pixmap) display-image
(when source
(setf source-pixmap (realize-display-image display-image source)))))
(defmethod (setf contact-foreground) :after (new-value (display-image display-image))
(declare (ignore new-value))
(with-slots (source source-pixmap) display-image
(when (and source (realized-p display-image))
(setf source-pixmap (realize-display-image display-image source)))))
(defmethod (setf contact-background) :after (new-value (display-image display-image))
(declare (ignore new-value))
(with-slots (source source-pixmap) display-image
(when (realized-p display-image)
(when source
(setf source-pixmap (realize-display-image display-image source)))
(clear-area display-image)
(display display-image))))
;;; |
;;; Initialization |
;;; |
(defun make-display-image (&rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys)
(declare (values display-image))
(apply #'make-contact 'display-image initargs))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((display-image display-image) &key source &allow-other-keys)
(with-slots (width height) display-image
;; Insure that source-pixmap & source-pixmap-width & source-pixmap-height
;; get set up if the source arg is specified. Also check for valid source argument.
(setf (display-image-source display-image) source)
;; Initialize required geometry
(when (or (zerop width) (zerop height))
(multiple-value-bind (pwidth pheight)
(preferred-size display-image :width width :height height)
(change-geometry display-image :width pwidth :height pheight)))))
;;; |
;;; Geometry Management |
;;; |
(defmethod preferred-size ((display-image display-image) &key width height border-width)
(declare (values preferred-width preferred-height preferred-border-width))
((current-border-width border-width) (current-height height) (current-width width) gravity
source-pixmap-height source-pixmap-width)
;; Preferred-width
(max (or width current-width) source-pixmap-width)
;; Preferred-height
(max (or height current-height) source-pixmap-height)
;; Preferred-border-width
(max 0 (or border-width current-border-width)))))
;;; |
;;; |
(defmethod display ((display-image display-image) &optional (exposed-x 0) (exposed-y 0) exposed-width exposed-height &key)
(source-pixmap source-pixmap-height source-pixmap-width gravity width height clip-rectangle)
(when source-pixmap
(let ((exposed-width (or exposed-width (- width exposed-x)))
(exposed-height (or exposed-height (- height exposed-y)))
(tiled-p (eq gravity :tiled)))
(gc :drawable display-image
:exposures :off
:clip-mask clip-rectangle
:fill-style (when tiled-p :tiled)
:tile (when tiled-p source-pixmap)
:ts-x (when tiled-p (display-clip-x display-image))
:ts-y (when tiled-p (display-clip-y display-image)))
(if tiled-p
display-image gc exposed-x exposed-y exposed-width exposed-height :fill-p)
(multiple-value-bind (extent-x extent-y)
(case gravity
(display-clip-x display-image)
(display-clip-y display-image)))
(+ (display-clip-x display-image)
(pixel-round (- (display-clip-width display-image) source-pixmap-width) 2))
(display-clip-y display-image)))
(+ (display-clip-x display-image)
(- (display-clip-width display-image) source-pixmap-width))
(display-clip-y display-image)))
(display-clip-x display-image)
(+ (display-clip-y display-image)
(pixel-round (- (display-clip-height display-image) source-pixmap-height) 2))))
(+ (display-clip-x display-image)
(pixel-round (- (display-clip-width display-image) source-pixmap-width) 2))
(+ (display-clip-y display-image)
(pixel-round (- (display-clip-height display-image) source-pixmap-height) 2))))
(+ (display-clip-x display-image)
(- (display-clip-width display-image) source-pixmap-width))
(+ (display-clip-y display-image)
(pixel-round (- (display-clip-height display-image) source-pixmap-height) 2))))
(display-clip-x display-image)
(+ (display-clip-y display-image)
(- (display-clip-height display-image) source-pixmap-height))))
(+ (display-clip-x display-image)
(pixel-round (- (display-clip-width display-image) source-pixmap-width) 2))
(+ (display-clip-y display-image)
(- (display-clip-height display-image) source-pixmap-height))))
(+ (display-clip-x display-image)
(- (display-clip-width display-image) source-pixmap-width))
(+ (display-clip-y display-image)
(- (display-clip-height display-image) source-pixmap-height)))))
(multiple-value-setq (exposed-x exposed-y exposed-width exposed-height)
exposed-x exposed-y exposed-width exposed-height
extent-x extent-y source-pixmap-width source-pixmap-height))
(when exposed-x
source-pixmap gc
(- exposed-x extent-x) (- exposed-y extent-y) exposed-width exposed-height
display-image exposed-x exposed-y)))))))))
(defmethod resize :around ((display-image display-image) new-width new-height new-border-width)
(with-slots (width height border-width gravity) display-image
(let* ((delta-width (- new-width width))
(delta-height (- new-height height))
;; Establish new size.
(resized-p (call-next-method)))
(or (not resized-p)
;; If bit-gravity is :forget, then usual exposure handling is sufficient.
(case gravity
((:north :south)
(/= (display-left-margin display-image) (display-right-margin display-image)))
((:west :east)
(/= (display-top-margin display-image) (display-bottom-margin display-image)))
(or (/= (display-left-margin display-image) (display-right-margin display-image))
(/= (display-top-margin display-image) (display-bottom-margin display-image))))))
;; Otherwise, must redisplay part of image previously obscured by margins.
((plusp delta-width)
;; Redisplay exposed part of left margin.
(multiple-value-bind (left-x left-y left-width left-height)
(case gravity
((:north :center :south)
(display-clip-x display-image) (display-clip-y display-image)
(pixel-round delta-width 2) (display-clip-height display-image)))
((:north-east :east :south-east)
(display-clip-x display-image) (display-clip-y display-image)
delta-width (display-clip-height display-image))))
(when left-x
(display display-image left-x left-y left-width left-height)))
;; Redisplay exposed part of right margin.
(multiple-value-bind (right-x right-y right-width right-height)
(case gravity
((:north :center :south)
(let ((delta (pixel-round delta-width 2)))
(- width (display-right-margin display-image) delta) (display-clip-y display-image)
delta (display-clip-height display-image))))
((:north-west :west :south-west :tiled)
(- width (display-right-margin display-image) delta-width) (display-clip-y display-image)
delta-width (display-clip-height display-image))))
(when right-x
(display display-image right-x right-y right-width right-height))))
;; Clear out left margin for smaller window.
(unless (case gravity ((:north-west :west :south-west) t))
(clear-area display-image
:x 0 :y 0
:width (display-left-margin display-image) :height height))
;; Clear out right margin for smaller window.
(unless (case gravity ((:north-east :east :south-east) t))
(clear-area display-image
:x (- width (display-right-margin display-image)) :y 0
:width (display-right-margin display-image) :height height))))
((plusp delta-height)
;; Redisplay exposed part of top margin.
(multiple-value-bind (top-x top-y top-width top-height)
(case gravity
((:west :center :east)
(display-clip-x display-image) (display-clip-y display-image)
(display-clip-width display-image) (pixel-round delta-height 2)))
((:south-west :south :south-east)
(display-clip-x display-image) (display-clip-y display-image)
(display-clip-width display-image) delta-height)))
(when top-x
(display display-image top-x top-y top-width top-height)))
;; Redisplay exposed part of bottom margin.
(multiple-value-bind (bottom-x bottom-y bottom-width bottom-height)
(case gravity
((:west :center :east)
(let ((delta (pixel-round delta-height 2)))
(display-clip-x display-image) (- height (display-bottom-margin display-image) delta)
(display-clip-width display-image) delta)))
((:north-west :north :north-east :tiled)
(display-clip-x display-image) (- height (display-bottom-margin display-image) delta-height)
(display-clip-width display-image) delta-height)))
(when bottom-x
(display display-image bottom-x bottom-y bottom-width bottom-height))))
;; Clear out top margin for smaller window.
(unless (case gravity ((:north-west :north :north-east) t))
(clear-area display-image
:x 0 :y 0
:width width :height (display-top-margin display-image)))
;; Clear out bottom margin for smaller window.
(unless (case gravity ((:south-west :south :south-east) t))
(clear-area display-image
:x 0 :y (- height (display-bottom-margin display-image))
:width width :height (display-bottom-margin display-image))))))